Monthly Archives: March 2024

California Land Trust

In California, a land trust refers to a legal arrangement where real estate property is transferred to a trust for management and administration. Land trusts in California are typically established for purposes such as privacy, asset protection, and estate planning. When a property is placed into a land trust, legal title to the property is held by the trustee of the land trust, who manages the property on behalf of the beneficiary. The beneficiary retains all of the benefits of owning the property, such as the right to occupy or […]

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The Basics of Church Formation

Forming a church in California involves more than defining your purpose and beliefs. To so do correctly and legally to avoid potential tax consequences, there are several steps to be taken. Although every situation is different, what follows is a basic approach. Legal Structure:Once you have a clearly articulated purpose and beliefs of your church, whether nondenominational or part of a larger organization, you must determine an operational structure. An Unincorporated Association is generally simple and flexible but offers less liability protection and are generally not eligible for federal tax-exempt […]

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California Housing Crisis – Builder’s Remedy

The California Housing Accountability Act (“HAA”): Also known as the “anti-NIMBY law,” is a state law that was enacted in 1982 to help promote the development of new housing and combat local resistance to new housing projects. The HAA establishes that cities and counties in California must approve housing developments that meet certain zoning and planning requirements unless the proposed development would have a specific, adverse impact on public health, safety, or welfare. The law requires cities and counties to provide a comprehensive set of procedures for the processing and […]

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